Description and benefits
NaturPet Ear Drops are an excellent treatment for your pet's ears, but can also be used as a preventative measure. This herbal formula has been used for decades as an effective treatment for many types of ear conditions, including outer and middle ear infections. NaturPet Ear Drops work to reduce inflammation and pain through a combination of herbs. These herbs have antibacterial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties and contain ingredients to offset tinnitus and vertigo issues.
These drops relieve ear infections and associated pain, discharge and dizziness. They are useful for the prevention and treatment of swimmer's ear. They reduce inflammation and pain thanks to a blend of herbs with antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties.
Olive oil is soothing for any ear inflammation. A natural moisturizer, it helps balance skin secretions. Olive oil helps loosen wax buildup from the ears.
Calendula is one of the best herbs for soothing and healing skin. It has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and antimicrobial properties to control the growth of bacteria and yeast. Safe for sensitive skin.
Vitamin E helps soften and moisturize dry, flaky skin.
Aloe Vera soothes and moisturizes irritated and itchy skin. Its anti-inflammatory effects and ability to stimulate cell growth and repair make it ideal for soothing any earache.
Place the container in a bowl of warm water to warm the drops. This will add comfort to your pet's ears. Place 2-3 drops per ear. Some breeds of dogs are vulnerable to swimmer's ear. Place the ear drops in the ear before going near water to avoid swimmer's ear.