For parents of furry friends, the summer period often rhymes with the arrival of several external parasites, including the invasive tick. Contrary to popular belief, the tick is not only present during the summer. It starts to be active at 4℃, so as early as March until the ground freezes in November/December.
This mite can transmit several diseases to your pets such as Lyme, anaplasmosis, ehrlichios and so on.
Let's talk about the harmful Lyme disease. This is a zoonosis-type affectation, that is to say that it can be transmitted easily to humans. Precautions are therefore required to prevent you and your animal from contracting this disease, which can cause harmful symptoms in humans.
Where are we most likely to encounter ticks?
They are fans of humidity, tall grass and mixed forests where there are many shaded areas. When returning from an off-road ride, it is essential to make a rigorous inspection of the skin of your companion and yours.
The favorite places where they can lodge on your pet are damp places such as the armpits, knees/elbows, groins, behind the ears, etc.
How to recognize it?
Don't be fooled by its small size, when not engorged with blood, the tick can be as small as 3mm. Once full, it can triple in size. Regarding its appearance, the body of the tick has only 2 parts, the head and the abdomen. It has no antennae or wings and has 8 legs, unlike many insects which have only 6.
What should I do if I find one or more ticks on my pet?
Above all, don't panic, it is important to remove it as quickly as possible using tick tweezers available in all veterinarians or pet stores. An eyebrow tweezer can also help you out, as long as the right technique is used.
The goal is actually to prevent its head from getting stuck in your animal's skin. It is important not to shoot the tick. The technique consists of capturing the tick with the tweezers and turning slowly while gently lifting. The tick should come out whole. If in doubt, you can contact your veterinarian who can remove the tick and/or identify it for you.
A blood test can also be done after 8 weeks of removing the tick from your animal to detect any diseases that may have been transmitted by it.
How can I protect my animal?
There are several products on the market that can provide protection for your pet. Whether in chewable tablets or topical products, your veterinarian can advise you on the best product to use for your needs.
Wishing you a summer filled with beautiful moments outside safely with your furry ones.
Audréanne Lupien
1 comment
Pour enlever la tique, doit-on tourner dans les sens des aiguilles d’une horloge ou dans le sens inverse? On est plusieurs à s’obstiner là-dessus… Merci pour votre aide.